He Gives Strength to the Weary, Yes, Even You!

He Gives Strength to the Weary, Yes, Even You!
Author: Pat Aman

Yes, You and I get tired. Sometimes just sick and tired. It could be from a work, the stress of daily life, family and friends. It does not matter how old or young you are, we sometimes grow weary. We must remember that Jesus, Himself had to go up on the mountain to rest and out in a boat to find a refreshing peace, so He could continue to do the work that His Heavenly Father had for Him to accomplish.

When I get this way, I go to one of my favorite Bible Verses. Isaiah 40:28-29, 28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

All of us know that the great and mighty everlasting God “does not become weary or tired.” But, we do. In our weariness and distress, we often forget that. Forgetting to depend on God’s almighty power and love will cause us to become even more weary as we think about all the things that are wearing us down. It is good to remember that God will strengthen “the weary” when they go to Him in prayer and faith.

We must know with all our heart and soul that we are never alone in our struggles even though it might feel that way sometimes. God knows absolutely every little detail about what is going on and He cares.

Isaiah points out “His understanding is inscrutable.” God’s depths of understanding are so far beyond our ability to know even our own situation. That is why He can be depended upon to lead us in the right way. God knows details we have no clue about. We must not worry and be concerned about our future for God already knows and we must remember that His understanding of all things can never be searched out.

Not any of us know or can find out all that God knows and has power over. Not even satan himself, or the demons of hell.

I think as a preacher, and I know I am not along in this, we all wonder are we doing any good. Is someone being touched by how we act or what we do and say. Is someone being encouraged and learning of the saving grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.

During this Covid19 quarantine we all have had to make changes in our lives.

We are doing things in away we never expected to ever have to do.

We have an empty lot beside our house. If you had told me just a couple months ago that I would be preaching on Sunday in that vacant lot, I would of thought, “one of us has totally lost it.” But, that is exactly what I am doing. Our Sub-Division has drawn together in love and fellowship.

And yes, we socially distance ourselves. A few families come and set 25-30 feet apart and we sing and hear God’s Word.

Another minister and myself were talking yesterday and neither one of us ever dreamed we would move to this unknown area. Now we know why. God had an assignment for us to do. So, now we are tag teaming on Sundays.

Our community even supports our local businesses by having different food trucks come one a week.

We even have a local band leader set up in his private yard and for musicians out of work to come sing for us. And we put tips in jars. Some of us come in cars, some from their porches and some in chairs 25 feet apart. And yes I am the local officer on duty. If I see someone not socially distancing, I address is immediately.

Even on Sunday we have our own microphones and a lot of hand sanitizer.

We have learned our neighbors names. We wave and smile at one another. We even offer food and a roll of toilet paper if needed. We take care of each other.

See, this is how God wants His world to be….

We must put our trust in God, our Savior and Heavenly Father and Redeemer.

Tonight, I came in after a very hard day, and I started doing the things I need to complete so the next few days will be in order. I turned the Gospel Music on and heard the song, Faces sung by: Greater Vision…

I really needed to hear this song tonight. See, even I was doubting if we were reaching anyone for Christ.

But, God not only let me hear this song but the song touch my heart.

Now, yes, I know that we human at times, need a pat on the back. That is the human in us. And thank God, He is always on time to turn us around and let us know that we are on the right path. But, we must just continue doing what He has gifted and called us to do. Yes, called us by our very own name.

So, during this time, do not feel like you are not doing a work for God. If you are reaching out and touching someone that you never thought you would. Well, God is pleased with you, and will bless you beyond measure.

Devotion Written By: Pastor Pat Aman Book © 1996/2020 “Coffee With Pat Daily Devotionals” and Christian Faith Publishers ….

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