Call now to check to see if Pastor Pat Aman is scheduled for her new Book signing in your area, or to set up book signing in your area.
Third New Book Released Now
Don’t Be a Bully: Book Two of the Turtle and Giraffe Series Go to Amazon and Barnes and Nobles to purchase books.
August 2018
Devotional and Family Recipes
Westbow Publishers
Book can be purchased at the stores listed below
The Turtle and Giraffe
Author: Pastor Pat Aman,PhD
2017 copyright of Christian Faith Publishing

Praise God and all glory and honor to him.
My book is on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Nobles, ITunes, Kindle, and
God bless each of you for sharing in this exciting moment of my life with me.
Blessings, Love and Prayers,
Pat Aman
Barnes and Nobles
If you would like a Autograph copy of the books,
Please go to home page of Coffee With Pat.
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The Hardback children’s book are $25
The Softback children’s book are $15
Coffee With A Little Spice If Life is $25
This prices include taxes and shipping and handling.
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God bless you,
The Turtle and Giraffe is a new series that will help children grow and achieve Godly values, through life lessons. In this series, children will learned from the turtle and giraffe that it does not matter if you are big or small, that just as all the forest animals can become friends and work and play together so the forest can be a happy place to live, so can humans in this great big beautiful world that God has made can also get along and help one anothe