God Is Always Waiting

God Is Always Waiting.

God is always waiting for us to believe and rely on Him. When we  know that God is our help in the time of trouble and He is there in our times of joy, then we will know without a doubt that we have a personal relationship with God.  That He is our friend and we have a intimate relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and we can say that “Jesus is Lord” of our lives.

We need to have a personal relationship with Jesus.  Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  One of his main things is to put fear in our hearts.  When he can accomplish this, then our faith is weakened.

Read the following and help build your faith up this week.

1.God Is…The Almighty, Genesis 35:11, “Nobody and nothing is mightier than God!”

2. God Is… Our Redeemer,  Psalm 19:14,
“We belong to God. He has redeemed us and we are now God’s property!”

3. God Is…Our Deliverer, Psalm 40:17,
“God comes to deliver us from everything the devil tries to put on us, or put in us, or take out of us, or take off us!”

4.God Is…Our Fortress, Psalm 91:2,
“God is our refuge in times of life’s storms.”

5. God Is… Our Healer, Exodus 15:26,
“God wants to heal our whole  being, spirit, mind, body, relationships, finances, our entire self.”

6. God Is… A Banner Over Us, Solomon 2:4,
“God’s love is a protective covering for our lives.”

7. God Is… Our Savior, I John 4:14,
“Jesus came to save us from the penalty of our sins.”

8. God Is… Counselor and Comforter…John 14:16-18,
“God will guide us in the way we should go, and we can take great comfort in knowing He will never leave us nor forsake us.”

Commit the Word of God to your memory. Commit all the names that the His word calls Him. It will help strengthen your faith.

We all need our faith strengthen.  When faith abounds fear is gone.  Committing His word to your heart will help you in trouble.  Fear will have to flee.

Someone once said, “When fear knocked at the door, faith answered and said, “There is no one home.”

If you are gripped  by fear today, or any day say this aloud.

I am going put myself into the flow of God where the Word of God and the power of God are merged together. Praise God!

Have a wonderful week.  See ya tomorrow for another cup of coffee in the Lord.

Blessing, Love and Prayers,

Pastor Pat

Pastor Pat Aman/©1996/2015

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