Who Has Built Your House?

Who Has Built Your House?

Author: Pat Aman

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Psalm 127:1

There are at least three lessons in this text.

First, no project can succeed unless it is the Lord’s will. God is workingout his plan for his creation and it does not matter how hard we strive to go our own way, we will not succeed unless our way is God’s way.

Second, what God intends to build will get built. No force in heaven or on earth can stop God from doing what he has planned. His success is guaranteed.

Third, God will work with us to accomplish his will. He needs no human hands. The One who spoke worlds into existence can surely build a house on his own. But by his grace he has purposed to do some of his work through human laborers. We are not cast adrift into the world to live lives of meaningless mediocrity. We were created to follow hard after God, carrying out his will and working in his kingdom.

While we labor we do so with the assurances found in Psalm 127:1. As the people of God, we strive to walk according to his ways, avoiding irrelevant, unproductive tasks that do not conform to his will while pursuing wholeheartedly the work he has called us to do. And as we labor for him we know that our labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). God will complete what he has begun and the fruit of our work will span eternity.

Written or Posted By: 

Pastor Pat Aman  

Unless otherwise stated, all content in this devotion is © 1996 through 2019″Coffee With Pat Daily

Devotionals” &”Christian Faith Publishers”

Study Notes: The New King James Bible

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