God I Am so Grateful, I Felt Your Gentle Touch.

God I Am so Grateful, I Felt Your Gentle Touch.
Author: Pat Aman

Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

In 2017, with tears in my heart and eyes, I write this devotion. It was around Christmas time and we are so busy running around doing last minute errands that we do not always take the time to hear God’s voice. Maybe feel a nudge that we are suppose to stop and take care of some God business.

Today, I drove to town to take care of some business. I planned to go straight there and back, but God had a different plan.

We have a country store that I often will stop to get a coffee or a Starbucks Mocha in the can. I had not planned to do either of those today. But, before I realized, I was sitting in front of the store.

I thought why did I turn in here?

Anyway, I went in, purchased a Starbucks that I have not even finished.

But, when coming out of the store there was a young gentleman. He spoke to me, and I spoke back, with Merry Christmas to you. But, I could not move. I was drawn to this young gentleman.

I talked to him a few minutes, then I bought up to him to follow God’s direction. To let God take care of his situation.

He looked and me, and said, “your the one. God told me as I stood here and stood still, that He was sending someone to talk and pray for him”

I stood in awe of God. We did talk. I talked in a simple child like manner, explained in a simple parable of how prayer works, if we depend on God.

Then I put my arms around him, and said, son, God loves you. Then I prayed for him. In tears in his eyes and a smile, he stood still and after the prayer, he looked at me, and said, “you did not have to even speak to me today, but, you, did”

I gave him a book on prayer. Gave him a big hug, and said bless you, son.

He said, “no bless you. I have attended churches in the area, looking for a church, but you are the only one who spoke to a me, a stranger on a corner, prayed for me, a stranger and then put your loving arms around me, and told me God loved me, and you loved me. You are my Angel.”

I reminded him, God told you to wait, and you did. God lead me to the store, and I obeyed.

I then told him to look at the beautiful rainbow in the sky. He cried….

I got in my car, and cried all the way home.

Someone asked,”weren’t you afraid? “

I said, not for one second. Because this meeting was appointed by God.

Friends, it is not the just the people in the walls of a church building, that we need to reach out too. We need to go outside the walls, and touch the lonely, sick, and hurting.

We need to give God our time. We need to listen for that small little nudge from our Heavenly Father.

The poem below shares about taking the time. Just even a few minutes to help someone in need.

Turn My Violin
Author: Unknown

A number of years ago an elderly sheepherder wrote a letter to a New York City radio station. In it he described his simply life on the western
prairie, with only his dog and sheep for companions.

“I get my greatest pleasure from my radio and my violin,” he wrote. ” but
recently my violin has become badly out of tune. Would it be possible for
someone there to strike the note A on the piano so that I could hear it on my radio here and tune my violin by it?”

The disc jockey read the letter to his audience and then announced that the program would be delayed for a few minutes while he struck the note A several times so the man could tune his violin.

Sometimes I find that I too am out of tune. My life seemed to fall into total discord and, like the sheepherder, I have to send out a plea for help. Fortunately, I know where to turn. I know Who will strike just the right note to help me retune myself, for in my Father’s Word I always find the harmony of my soul.

(Psalm 17:6) says, “I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God.”

Is your life in need of tuning today?

Close your eyes, listen, and in the
prayer of your heart you will soon hear a beautiful, clear melody.

Note: Because I am under contract with Thomas Nelson/Wedtbow Press, everything I write is covered under © Library of Congress Control Number: 2018910976

Devotion Written By: Pastor Pat Aman Book © 1996/2023 “Coffee With Pat Daily Devotionals” “Coffee With A Little Spice Of Life” and Westbow Press a division of ©Devotion Written By: Pastor Pat Aman Book © 1996/2024…

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