Faith to Risk, Trust, and Surrender

Faith to Risk, Trust, and Surrender
Author: Pat Aman

I want us to look at Abraham.

I could go on a different direction with Abraham, but I think today I will talk about three areas he was tested.

Abraham’s ability was tested in three areas of faith; faith to risk, faith to trust, and faith to surrender.

Genesis 12:1-3 Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your
country, from your family, and from your father’s house. To a land that I
will show you. I will make you a great nation. I will bless you, and make your name great; I will bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of earth shall be blessed.”

  1. Faith to risk. Abraham already had land and prosperity. He was
    settled. But God had greater things for him to do. Abraham had to take a
    step of faith. He had to risk losing or giving up all he had so God could
    bless him more. He had to have the faith to risk, so he could gain.
  2. Faith to trust. That meant he had to totally put all his trust in
    the word of God. He could not look back, or at the present. He could not
    worry over what had been or will be. He had to put his future in the
    hands of God.
  3. Faith to surrender. This meant he had to surrender his will, wants,
    likes, his total life and being to the plan God had for him. He had to
    say. “God I surrender all to you. I give you my everything. Now take me and mold me and my family to what you want us to be. Whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes. Hard words to say.He surrender his all, and put his trust in God and risk losing everything to gain.

Abraham is the father of faith, and the faithful. Thought his life,
faith is exemplified. From this “friend of God”. James 2:23 says, “And
the scripture was fulfilled which says,”Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness, and he was called the friend of God.”

We learn that faith is not perfect character or integrity. Rather, it
is simply taking God at His word. By doing do, Abraham became the model of faith for the believer. His life demonstrates how we benefit from believing what God says despite evidence to the contrary.

Remember, do not fear when God’s direction takes a turn you do not
understand. He knows what He is doing.

Believe God’s promises to you. He knows how to bring them to pass although you may not.

Avoid striving to fulfill God’s promises by yourself. Doing so always backfires and produces undesired results.

Trust that God will provide as He promises. His nature is to provide.

And last but not lest. God’s provision are strategically located
along the pathway of faithful obedience.

Blessings, Love and Prayers
Pastor Pat

(Proverbs 17:22)”A Merry Heart Does Good, Like Medicine, But A Broken Spirit Dries The Bones

This devotion is a 1989-2020 © WestBow/Thomas-Nelson and Patricia Aman

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