Send Me

Author: Pat Aman

(Ephesians 1:18) “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling……)”

I have learn through the years that you do not worry and think about the what-ifs, or the whys.  I have also learn that you do not question your abilities.  I know that I have many times come to a fork,  or crossing in the road that God has given me to travel.   There has been times that I have not known which road to take, but there has never been a time, that I doubted that I was not called to serve.   God may be calling you to serve Him.  Do you recognize His voice and know it is Him?  If you are questioning the voice, just simply wait on Him and say, “Yes”.  Don’t worry about the timing or the future. When the mighty wind blows, He will miraculously place them at your back. When the floods begin to rage. He may tell you to keep paddling in faith, believing, while He calms the seas. God’s calling is sure.  We don’t have to worry about making a way. If it is His will, He works all things out in His perfect way and timing.  And let me tell you, if God is calling you to move from one place to another.

He may be even calling you to change jobs.  You better do it.  By experience I know, that if you try to stay where you are, when you are suppose to be doing something else, you will be miserable and talk about trials and troubles, Honey you have not seen anything, until you go against what God wants for your life.

He calls us through, around, over, and under to serve. No foe can stop us, no poverty can starve us, no evil can diminish His call. For He has a glorious plan.  So, just say “yes”!

(Romans 10:14-15) “How, then can they call on the one they have notbelieved in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

There is a little poem I love.  It is called 

“Hear the Call”

Author: Unknown

I hear Jesus call to me,

There’s work for you to do.

I see many hurting souls,

Come, show them life anew.

You must reap the harvest,

Of those who search for me.

I still hear Him calling,

From sin I will set them free.

God, why must I be the one?

Why are You calling me?

Because they need your help, My child.

Then here am I, send me.

Unless otherwise stated, all content in this devotion is 1996/2019 © “Coffee With Pat Daily Devotionals” & “Christian Faith Publishing Company” May not be copied or used without written permission of Publishing Company

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