The Candy Cane


Look at the candy cane, what do you see?

Stripes that are red like the blood shed for me.

White is for my Savior who’s sinless and pure!

“J” is for Jesus,
My Lord, that’s for sure!

Turn it around and a staff you will see, Jesus my shepherd was born for Me!

A humble man wished to use his candy making art

To make a Christmas gift for Christ that came straight from his heart.

First he shaped the candy into a shepherd’s staff, a
“J” To stand for the name of Jesus, who was born on Christmas Day.

He used white stripes to symbolize Jesus’ virgin birth,
And His sinlessness and purity during His time on earth.

Finally, he colored the candy with stripes made out of red,
to represent the scourging and the blood that Jesus shed.

He had created the Candy Cane, to remind us during this season
That Christmas is a sweet gift of love-Jesus is the reason.

May you find God’s sweet love at the heart of your Christmas!”

How sweet are your words to my taste!
Psalm 119:103

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