Coffee With Pat Ministries

Coffee With Pat website will help you in your daily walk with God.

Everything on Coffee With Pat web-site is © of below publisher and cannot be used without written permission. Devotions Written By: Pastor Pat Aman Book © 1996/2024 “Coffee With Pat Daily Devotionals” “Coffee With A Little Spice Of Life”  and Westbow Press a division of © Thomas Nelson and Library of Congress Control Number: 2018910976……….

Please check out new Media-Books link to order the new books that Pastor Pat has written.

Adult devotional and Children’s Book Series.

The new Book is publish. “Don’t Be A Bully” Copyright of Christian Faith Publishing Company.

Book can be purchased on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles. 

Please contact us to invite Pat to your church to share God’s Word. You will experience dynamic Holy Spirit lead messages or salvation, encouragement and healing from Pastor Pat

Pastor Pat is a well known speaker and Ordained Minister, with the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, and a member of the North Carolina Conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. She has her Doctorate of Education in Theology and Biblical Counseling.

She is a motivational speaker as well, and has been gifted by God to go preach His Word in all denominations and non-denominations churches.  She preaches the salvation of Jesus Christ to the World.

She is also known as the Internet Pastor for the world. Coffee With Pat has touched thousands of lives since the internet part of the ministry began 1996©CWP

She and her husband Joe have been happily married for 47 years.

They are active in their local church, where they enjoy working with the Senior Adult Ministries. 

Pastor Pat is available for  Pre-Counseling and Weddings.

We would like to welcome you as you join with us in sharing God’s Word. You can use the menu link to view other inspirational pages on this site.

Maybe you need to accept Christ as your personal Savior, or need to learn more about marriage, spiritual warfare, faith, listen to Christian Music, or have a safe site with Bible Stories, games and information just for the kid’s. Whatever it may be, just follow the links on the left side of this page and be blessed.

We pray this site will help you in your daily walk with God. If you need encouragement, love, prayer, or maybe you are just searching for something to turn your life around do not stop reading now, because this site will offer you the way to find what you are searching for, and will show you what God has in store for you. 

Faith and belief comprise a very important part of our lives. A person’s faith and beliefs in many ways define who they are — how they see themselves, what they want out of life, and more.

On this web site Pastor Pat offers a personal account of her own testimony and beliefs. She will describe how her beliefs have changed her life in profound and exciting ways, and she will pray and believe that they will change your life also.

We also will be sure to provide links to our favorite sites as well as information about organizations that help strengthen or support our beliefs.

Thanks for visiting, and be sure to get in touch and let know what you think!

You can help us, by sharing God’s Word with the world. All donations go entirely to buy Bibles to send around the world. As of June 1, 2023 we have sent over 3000 Bibles around the world, since we began in 1996.

We send Free Prayer Cloths and a Free Bible to those who don’t have one (upon request)

Coffee With Pat Ministries

Pastor Pat Aman

476 Snowbell St

Four Oaks, NC 27524

Blessings, Love and Prayers,
Pastor Pat Aman

Also, please know that:
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with Joy.

Philippians 1: 3-4

I end each message with “My Blessings, Love & Prayers,” I truly mean that, and I pray for each of you every morning and evening.
(Nehemiah 8:10)

“The Joy Of The Lord, Is Your Strength.”
(Proverbs 17:22)
“A Merry Heart Does Good, Like Medicine, But A Broken Spirit Dries The Bones.”

Pastor Pat Aman/©1996/2023